A collection of bizarre sky objects and clouds, plus drone sightings in New Orleans, La.

Welcome to NOLA Skies. Enjoy our collection of sky phenomena, including the stealth military aircraft the TR-3B. 95% of the photographs and videos on this website were taken of the skies over New Orleans, Louisiana. Nothing is AI generated. In fact, most of these photos and videos were taken well before the 2024 drone sightings. For information on weather manipulation and other sky-related topics, scroll through the articles below. Contact us at info@nolaskies.com to use any of our pictures or videos, or for an interview.

Stephen Colbert confronts geoengineering expert

I can’t get enough of this video. Colbert essentially looks this expert in the eye and says he is lying about the phenomenon and conspiracy theory known as chemtrails. His guest talks about his plan to spray chemicals into the air using a fleet of airplanes, and Colbert’s response is nothing but phenomenal. Not to mention the audience response. A must see!

What hit the NBA plane? Was it an unidentified drone?

You’ve probably seen the pictures of the chartered NBA plane that was dented after hitting “something” during the flight. The videos below show multiple white objects flying through the clouds at fast speeds, taken over New Orleans. The videos feature instructions at the end for you to capture these objects yourself. I used a consumer level Lumix camera with a 30x zoom.

A plane in China also has the same damage after hitting a UFO.

In fact, here are a few more stories:

So what hit the NBA chartered plane? Watch the videos and decide for yourself.

**Watch these videos on as big a screen as you can. The glowing orbs are hard to see on small screens.

Numerous military fighter jet crashes across the U.S., yet they are allowed to fly weekly over New Orleans

Below is a collection of articles documenting these fighter jets crashing, and on one occasion into a residential home killing three family members. These planes fly weekly training missions over New Orleans and other major cities across the U.S. Hopefully our leaders will be called to task to stop this unsafe and unnerving practice.

2017 – Arizona: 

2017 – New Jersey: 

2017 – Maryland: 

2017 – Nevada: 

2017 – Houston: 

2017 – Tennessee: 

2017 – Washington, D.C.: 

2016 – North Carolina: 

2015 – Arizona: 

2014 – California: 

2014 – Nevada: 

2010 – Tennessee: 

2008 – San Diego: 

2011 – San Diego follow-up: 

Weather as a force multiplier: Owning the weather in 2025

In 1996, a document was created by the U.S. Military called “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025.” The gist of the document is that if a military can control and manipulate the weather of another country, it would give the controlling military a huge advantage on any battlefield. Over 20 years later, many believe the military has achieved it’s stated goal, and that we are in the midst of a global “weather war.”

View the full PDF here

Here are a few articles with details:

Disney film from 1959 details weather control mechanism

This Disney film, created in 1959, is called “Eyes In Outer Space.” At about the 18 minute mark, the video talks about “Robot planes that seed the clouds from above” while an operator pushes buttons to control a storm. Another must see video!

Weather made to order

This article is from the 1950s, and partially defines the Cold War as a race between America and the Soviet Union to develop weaponized weather programs. Now, over 50 years later, America and Russia tensions are high, and the weather is out of control.

From the article: “Rainmaking” or weather control can be as powerful a war weapon as the atom bomb, a Nobel prize winning physicist said today. Dr. Irving Langmuir, pioneer in “rainmaking,” said the government should seize on the phenomenon of weather control as it did on atomic energy when Albert Einstein told the late President Roosevelt in 1939 of the potential power of an atom-splitting weapon. “In the amount of energy liberated, the effect of 30 milligrams of silver iodide under optimum conditions equals that of one atomic bomb,” Langmuir said.

smithsonianmag.com »


Floodlist.com: A disturbing view of a global crisis

A “rain bomb” over Arizona, 2017

I ran across this website last year after the flooding of Baton Rouge, La. The flooding issues that we are experiencing almost weekly in the U.S. are happening all over the world, and almost every time we hear the same story: Major flooding in areas that never flood; Unprecedented amounts of rain; Record amounts of water dropped from the sky within hours; Deaths and loss of property; Rain dropped like a bomb; This is the new climate change reality, etc.

The picture of a micro-burst—and what many are now calling a ‘rain bomb’ because of its similar appearance to a nuclear detonation—was taken on Mount Uhud in Medina.


Geoengineering articles

We’ve put together a collection of articles from major online publications all calling for Geoengineering programs to help fight climate change. Some say these programs have been in place since the 1990s, and probably longer. This article shows a graphic of planes that are spraying what is popularly known as chemtrails.

While you are reading these articles, please realize that you did not and likely won’t hear any of this on television networks. It is hidden online for all to see, but none of these articles are getting the attention they deserve. It is our opinion that this is the most crucial issue of our time.

From the Guardian:

From Wired:

From Forbes.com:

From Popular Science:

From MIT Technology Review:

From Space.com:

From Smithsonian Magazine:

From NBC News:

From Business Insider:

From Futurism.com:

From Science Magazine:

From the Carnagie Council:

From Newsweek:

From The Independent:

From NPR:

From Reuters:

From CNET.com:

From The Atlantic:

From The Daily Mail:

And the list goes on and on…

A weather modification timeline

Our country’s obsession with controlling the weather goes back to the late 1800s. This website starts from the beginning, documenting the history of weather modification. This is a great tool to understand this fascinating history.



You may never look at the sky the same way again

When you look at the sky today, you see a collection of triangles, squares, hard edges and angles. Most of these pictures were taken over the skies of NOLA. I have annotated some of these pictures. I don’t remember seeing anything like this as a child. Anyone can go outside on any given day and photograph these shapes, especially the triangles, they are the most obvious.

See more in our full photo gallery


Grids and squares in the sky

If you keep your eye on the sky, you will often see jet contrails make a grid or partial grid  / square pattern. You can also see different variations of squares and grids in different types of cloud formations. Here is a sampling of photos, all taken over New Orleans. None of these photos were generated by AI, and I’ll subject the original digital files to any scrutiny.